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What is magento ?

CMS Magento is an excellent platform for developing online stores. With modules and features that are very complete and flexible. Magento is created using a very reliable Zend framework so developers can develop their own modules, themes and extensions to complement existing feature features. There are two versions of magento namely Enterprise Edition (Paid) and Community Edition (Free)

·         Based on zend framework
·         Backend user interface nya menarik
·         Ada fitur cache
·         Ada fitur friendly url seo
·         Cocok untuk e-commerce skala besar
·         Pilihan bahasa Indonesia

Join in my class session to learn Magento :

Magento Overview
Magento installation
Magento MVC architecture
Magento  command-line configuration
The command-line utility
  Magento  Theme Development
The basic concepts of Magento themes
Magento  theme structure
The Magento Luma theme
Magento theme inheritance
CMS blocks and pages
Custom variables
Creating a basic Magento  theme
Creating and declaring a theme
Simple product image configuration
Creating static files' directories
Creating a theme logo
Applying the theme
  Creating a Responsive Magento  Theme
CSS preprocessing with LESS
Applying new CSS to the CompStore theme
Creating the CompStore logo
Applying the theme
Customizing Magento  templates
Developing the module
Deploying the module
Magento Connect
Packaging and publishing your module

Participants :  Web  Apps Developer , SEO Engineer , Web Developer,  public

Hery Purnama 081-223344506, certified inhouse trainer for training cobit, cisa, itil, pmbok, babok, SAD, software testing ISTQB, Data Management DMBOk, Business Analysis BABOK, Project management, IoT, BigData Hadoop, Spark Developer, UML, ITSM, Iso 20000, 27000, 27001, 38500, CMMI, CAPM, PMP, MS.Project, cisa, Primavera, Excel Vba Macro, Python, indeks KAMI, pyspark, data science programming, erlang programming, java, android studio, phonegap, ​angular, sencha extjs, ionic, emberjs, nodejs, jquery mobile, php yii, codeigniter, instruktur zend, ctfl, laravel framework, ms.acces database, oracle, pengajar mysql dba, sql server, ssrs, ssis, performance tunning, backup recovery, postgresql, postgis, arcview, arcgis, qgis, trainer magento ecommerce, prestashop, drupal, catia 3d, autocad 3d, google sketchup, IT project, IT audit, ms.powerpoint, risk management, cmswordpress advanced, excel advanced, powerpivot, excel dashborad, powerview, powerquery, business intelegance, DEVOPS, jenkins, docker, vagrant, ansible trainer, keibernetes, php mysql, ajax jquery, json, restfull, xml, soap, enterprise architect, EDMS trainer, TOGAf, six sigma, cordova, trainer, pengajar komputer, inhouse training, guru, jakarta, bandung, surabaya, palembang, semarang, yogya, batam, purnamaacademy,, profile hery purnama, certified trainer, terkenal, pengajar bagus, no kontak trainer Hery 081223344505, pengajar perusahaan.

#trainingmagento  #magentoadvanced  #tutorial #tempattraining di  #jakarta #bandung #bali
