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Class Type : Training

Duration : 3 Days (09.00 – 17.00)

Training Description :

Looking to add dynamic content, third-party data, or animation to your websites and apps? Look no further. In this course, Joe Marini introduces jQuery, an open-source JavaScript library that simplifies the process of adding advanced functionality to web projects. First, learn how to use jQuery to extract and manipulate page content, using CSS rules you already know. Next, learn to build new, dynamic page content on the fly, and use jQuery events to respond to user actions. Finally, discover how to add animation and effects from jQuery's built-in library, and access remote data via AJAX. Want to practice what you learn along the way

The ability to read data and communicate information asynchronously is fundamental to modern web applications. In this course, purnamaacademy' trainer takes a look at integrating AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) with JavaScript and jQuery—a combination that makes it easy to work with dynamic data and reduces the number of requests to the server. The course first explains what AJAX is, and shows how to load and reload pages with pure JavaScript, update the DOM, and read and parse data in the XML and JSON formats. Next, learn how to read and write information between the server and the client with AJAX methods in jQuery, and build a dynamic search application that updates search results as you type.

Topics include:

· Overview PHP MySQL

· Using PHP Json_encode function

· What is jQuery?

· Using selectors and filters to extract information

· Creating, inserting, and animating page content

· Handling events

· Understanding jQuery statement chaining

· Working with CSS

· Building event handlers

· Animating with jQuery: showing, hiding, and fading page elements

· What is AJAX?

· Making requests asynchronous

· Updating the DOM with getElementById

· Reading JSON files

· Working with jQuery and AJAX

· Sending and searching JSON data

· Incorporating CSS transition

Participants : Web Apps Developer , Web Developer, public

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