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Training Android Applications Development with HTML 5, Jquerymobile and Phonegap


Class Type           : Training
Duration              : 3 Days (09.00 – 17.00)
Training Description :

JQuery Mobile framework takes the "write less, do more" mantra to the next level: Instead of writing unique applications for each mobile device or OS, the jQuery mobile framework allows you to design a single highly-branded responsive web site or application that will work on all popular smartphone, tablet, and desktop platforms.
Building applications for each platform–iPhone, Android, Windows and more–requires different frameworks and languages. PhoneGap solves this by using standards-based web technologies to bridge web applications and mobile devices. Since PhoneGap apps are standards compliant, they're future-proofed to work with browsers as they evolve. Read an in-depth post explaining PhoneGap visually.
PhoneGap has been downloaded millions of times and is being used by hundreds of thousands of developers. Thousands of apps built using PhoneGap are available in mobile app stores and directories. Check out some of them here.
The PhoneGap code was contributed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under the name Apache Cordova and graduated to top-level project status in October 2012. Through the ASF, future PhoneGap development will ensure open stewardship of the project. It will always remain free and open source under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
Build great-looking mobile web applications without having to learn native code! Think iOS without Objective-C, Android without Java, Windows Phone without C#. Purnama Academy' trainer introduces the jQuery Mobile framework, and provides a look at some companies (like OpenTable and Dodge) that are using it right now to build rich, interactive mobile webpages that approach the behavior of native apps. Trainer reviews jQuery Mobile's page structure, controls, navigation, responsive layout, and theming. The course also covers the built-in library of widgets for building web content, list views, and web forms that are optimized for mobile screen sizes and that respond to gestures and changes in device orientation.

Topics include:
·         Building your first jQuery Mobile app
·         Understanding the page architecture
·         Using page transitions and dialog widgets
·         Working with forms and controls
·         Creating toolbars
·         Working with list views
·         Using jQuery Mobile's content formatting features
·         Adding events to detect and respond to changes
·         Configuring and customizing jQuery Mobile
·         Phonegap Desktop Installation
·         Phonegap Build
·         HTML 5 key features
·         HTML 5 local storage
·         Connecting to MySQL Database with JSONP Ajax
·         Generate Android Sign Key
·         How to upload into google playstore

Participants :  webdeveloper, Android Apps Developer , public

#trainingandroid #phonegap #tempattraining #jakarta #bandung #bali


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