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Showing posts from October, 2022

10 Oktober Hari Kesehatan Mental Dunia 2022, Waspada Tingkat Bunuh Diri Remaja.

Hari Kesehatan Mental Sedunia atau World Mental Health Day diperingati setiap tanggal 10 Oktober. Adapun tema Hari Kesehatan Mental 2022 ini telah diumumkan oleh World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) yaitu Jadikan kesehatan mental untuk semua sebagai prioritas global. Peringatan Hari Kesehatan Mental Dunia bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran tentang kesehatan mental di seluruh dunia. Selain itu, gerakan ini juga bertujuan memobilisasi upaya untuk mendukung mereka yang mengalami masalah kesehatan mental.  Menurut catatan World Health Organization (WHO), hampir satu dari tujuh remaja berusia 10 hingga 19 tahun hidup dengan beberapa bentuk kondisi kesehatan mental. Bunuh diri adalah penyebab kematian paling umum kelima dalam kelompok usia ini, sementara 45.800 meninggal setiap tahun, satu setiap 11 menit.

Gempa M 5,5 Bayah - Banten Terasa Hingga Jakarta

Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) melaporkan telah terjadi gempa bumi berkekuatan 5,5 Magnitudo atau M 5,5 pukul 17.02 WIB pada Minggu sore (9/10/2022). Disebutkan titik lokasi gempa bumi ini di 26 km barat daya Bayah-Banten. Kendati tidak berpotensi tsunami, BMKG menyarankan agar masyarakat hati-hati terhadap gempa bumi susulan yang mungkin terjadi.Getaran gempa dirasakan di berbagai tempat, termasuk di Jakarta.Guncangan gempa terasa hingga Jakarta sekitar 3-5 detik di Jakarta Selatan pada Minggu (9/10/2022) pada pukul 17.04 WIB. Gempa juga terasa di sekitar Jakarta yaitu di Tenjo, Cilebut, dan Gunung Sindur.


What is the CDMP Certification? DAMA International offers the CDMP Certification programme to enable international recognition of a data professional's knowledge and skills.    What is the DMBOK? (Data Management Body of Knowledge) The DMBOK is the comprehensive Data Management Body of Knowledge compiled by the thought leaders in all the Knowledge Areas of Data Management. The DMBOK ensures that data professionals worldwide have a shared understanding and speak a common "data language". The sheer breadth of the DMBOK can be overwhelming, but it doesn't take long to realise that the focus of the DMBOK is the WHATs and WHYs of Data Management and not the HOW. UNDANGAN MENGAJAR HUBUNGI : HERY PURNAMA - BANDUNG CALL/WHATSAPP : 081-223344-506


ISTQB Certification - Foundation Level (CTFL) The International Software Testing Qualifications Board known as ISTQB is an accredited certification organization. ISTQB is specialized and offers many types of internationally accepted Software Testing Certification. ISTQB exams are conducted online or through an Exam Provider location. Candidates who pass the exam are given the ISTQB Certified Tester certificate. If you are a software tester or looking for your first software testing job, getting your ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) Certification is an advantage. Many employers expect their testers to have ISTQB Foundation Level Certification. It helps software testers to be more effective and efficient in the software testing profession. UNDANGAN MENGAJAR HUBUNGI : HERY PURNAMA - BANDUNG CALL/WHATSAPP : 081-223344-506


What is CDPSE Certification? Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer (CDPSE) is a certification that assesses a security professional's ability to implement privacy by design, which results in the creation of platforms and products that build and advance data privacy. CDPSE is the first experience-based data privacy certification of its kind. CDPSE also validates a data analyst/ scientist's ability to manage the data lifecycle and advise the organisation experts on privacy compliance practices and best data protection practices. It enables data scientists and privacy solutions experts with a common language and data science methodologies to improve the end user's experience while maintaining privacy and trust. Many people within an organisation and the data security team might claim to know about data security, but the demands for data security differ from organisation to organisation. CDPSE certified professionals have validated experience tha


What will I learn in the ISACA CISA Bootcamp? The CISA certification enables you to be recognized, not only domestically, but at an international level, as a professional with knowledge, skills, and the credibility to offer opinions and solutions, and to audit all areas related to information systems. With organizations attempting to be faster to market and with more freely flowing information, the security and integrity of that information is key and CISA affirms you as an individual with the knowledge and abilities to identify risk, and articulate and apply proven practices for mitigating it. UNDANGAN MENGAJAR HUBUNGI : HERY PURNAMA - BANDUNG CALL/WHATSAPP : 081-223344-506


Learning Plan Description CDMP DMBOK The DMBoK and CDMP Preparation Learning Plan addresses all of the Information Management disciplines as defined in the international industry standard, the DAMA International Data Management Body of Knowledge (DMBoK).  In each course, instructor Christopher Bradley (a CDMP fellow) provides a solid foundation of the different information disciplines across the complete DMBoK spectrum. This plan provides a comprehensive exploration of the scope of Data Management as a whole, and therefore is an excellent resource for organizations and individuals wishing to gain more extensive knowledge of the disciplines covered in the DMBoK. By utilizing this Learning Plan as preparation for the DAMA International Certified Data Management Professional (CDMP) exams, students will gain a firm understanding of a broad range of concepts and be able to explain the practical application of them throughout various industry examples.   This Lear


Why choose the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL)? This qualification is ideal for you if you'd like to learn all about the fundamental concepts of software testing. You'll be taught the common language for efficient and effective communication with other testers and project stakeholders, a key skill to have when you're looking for a job in this area of IT. You'll be competent in establishing testing concepts, test processes, test approaches, and principles to support test objectives. The certification will make sure you can design and prioritise tests by using common techniques as well as nurture your ability to analyse both functional and non-functional specifications such as performance and usability. INFORMASI SYLLABUS DAN PENDAFTARAN HUBUNGI  PURNAMA ACADEMY - BANDUNG CALL/WHATSAPP : 0838-0838-0001


Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer (CDPSE) CDPSE certification can help you avail a technical understanding of the extensive privacy solutions. The one who holds Data Privacy Solutions Engineer Certification can help the company have an expert with technical privacy skills who can help them enhance efficiency and prevent all kinds of risk. So, if you are thinking about pursuing the respective course then reach out to experts at Securium Solutions. We help you get ISACA CDPSE Certification in the most proficient manner. INFORMASI SYLLABUS DAN PENDAFTARAN HUBUNGI  PURNAMA ACADEMY - BANDUNG CALL/WHATSAPP : 0838-0838-0001

SCHEDULES - CISA ISACA (Certified Information Systems Auditor)

ISACA CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) Certification The ISACA CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor certification is an expert-level, globally recognized credential designed for IS audit control, and for assurance and security professionals to audit, control, monitor, and assess information technology and business systems. The CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) certification is renowned across the globe as a standard for Business Systems and Information technology professionals who audit, monitor, access, and control data. Being CISA certified showcases audit experience that demonstrates a candidate's knowledge and skills, and reports on compliance and institute controls within the enterprise. The ISACA CISA training program validates a candidate's proficiency and knowledge to meet the dynamic challenges of a modern enterprise, identify critical issues, and customize practices to support information systems.uCertify provid

Cara mengetahui Anda di Block di Whatsapp

Banyak alasan kenapa seseorang mem blokir nomor whatsapp Anda dengan tentunya alasan privacy , bisa karena tidak nyaman dengan Pesan whatsapp anda atau tidak nyaman secara personal langsung dengan Anda. Whatsapp menghargai privacy penggunanya dengan menyediakan layanan "block".  Namun adakah cara untuk mengetahui bahwa saat ini Anda telah diblok oleh seseorang di whatsapp ? Ada beberapa indikator bahwa Anda mungkin diblokir: Anda tidak dapat lagi melihat kontak terakhir terlihat atau online di jendela obrolan. Pelajari lebih lanjut di sini. Anda tidak melihat pembaruan pada foto profil kontak. Setiap pesan yang dikirim ke kontak yang telah memblokir Anda akan selalu menampilkan satu tanda centang (pesan terkirim), dan tidak pernah menunjukkan tanda centang kedua (pesan terkirim). Panggilan apa pun yang Anda coba lakukan tidak akan berhasil. Jika Anda melihat semua indikator di atas untuk kontak, ini bisa berarti bahwa pengguna memblokir Anda. Namun, ada kemungkinan lain. Kami

3 Polisi Jadi Tersangka Tragedi Kanjuruhan

Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia (Polri) telah menetapkan enam orang tersangka dalam Tragedi Kanjuruhan, Kamis (6/10/2022). Dilansir dari Antara, enam orang tersangka terdiri atas tiga warga sipil dan tiga anggota kepolisian. Tiga tersangka warga sipil dijerat dengan Pasal 359 dan/atau Pasal 360 dan/atau Pasal 103 ayat (1) juncto Pasal 52 Undang-Undang RI Nomor 11 Tahun 2022 tentang Keolahragaan. Kemudian, tiga tersangka dari unsur kepolisian disangka dengan Pasal 359 dan/atau Pasal 360 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP).


Pasangan selebriti Baim Wong dan Paula Verhoeven tiba untuk memenuhi panggilan terkait video prank lapor KDRT di Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (7/10/2022). Baim Wong dan Paula Verhoeven datang memenuhi panggilan untuk menjalani pemeriksaan sebagai saksi terkait video prank lapor KDRT ke Polsek Kebayoran Lama. Pemeriksaan ini dilakukan menyusul adanya dua laporan polisi terhadap Baim Wong dan Paula Verhoeven atas dugaan laporan palsu.

Penyebab Runtuhnya Tembok Mts 19 Jaksel Roboh.

Kementerian Agama tengah menyelidiki penyebab runtuhnya tembok di Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Negeri 19 di Pondok Labu, Jakarta Selatan. Akibat robohnya tembok ini, tiga siswa meninggal dunia dan 3 orang lainnya terluka. Menteri Agama (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas menyampaikan duka cita atas meninggalnya 3 siswa. Dirinya sudah menginstruksikan jajarannya untuk mengevaluasi keamanan gedung sekolah di madrasah ini. "Menag Yaqut Cholil Qoumas dan keluarga besar Kementerian Agama sangat berduka dengan musibah yang terjadi di MTsN 19. Korban akan mendapat santunan dari kami," kata Juru Bicara Kementerian Agama Anna Hasbie dalam keterangannya, seperti ditulis Jumat (7/10/2022). Tak hanya evaluasi, Yaqut mendorong jajarannya segera memperbaiki sarana dan prasarana madrasah. Ia berharap peristiwa ini tidak akan terulang kembali. Kronologi Tembok sekolah Roboh Sebelumnya hujan deras yang mengguyur Jakarta pada Kamis (06/10/2022) menyebabkan banjir menggenangi sekolah MTs Negeri


Is CISM Right for You? ISACA's Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) certification is for those with technical expertise and experience in IS/IT security and control and wants to make the move from team player to manager. CISM can add credibility and confidence to your interactions with internal and external stakeholders, peers and regulators. ISACA's Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) certification brings credibility to your team and ensures alignment between the organization's information security program and its broader goals and objectives. CISM can validate your team's commitment to compliance, security and integrity and increase customer retention. UNDANGAN MENGAJAR HUBUNGI:  HERY PURNAMA - BANDUNG CALL/WHATSAPP : 081-223344-506


What's new in ITIL V.4 ITIL 4 is the latest version of the ITIL framework and was released back in February 2019. It is highly value-centric, primarily focusing on bringing different stakeholders in an organization together to co-create value for the end-users. With the arrival of new frameworks like VeriSM, SIAM, and FitSM in the IT service management landscape, there was a need for the previous version of ITIL (ITIL v3) to become more refined in the way it approaches service management as an enabler for businesses. ITIL 4, the current version of ITIL takes the best parts of ITIL v3, enhances them, and creates a framework that focuses more on delivering tailor-made solutions for organizations. The previous versions of ITIL directed practitioners to implement ITIL by the book which led them to a complex web of practical solutions. Whereas ITIL 4, is more pragmatic in this approach. Instead of idealizing processes and encouraging the practitioners to impl


What is COBIT? COBIT stands for Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology. It is a framework  created by the ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association). It was designed to be a  supportive tool for managers—and allows bridging the crucial gap between technical issues,  business risks, and control requirements. COBIT is a thoroughly recognized guideline that can be applied to any organization in any  industry. Overall, COBIT ensures quality, control, and reliability of information systems in an  organization, which is also the most important aspect of every modern business. Cybersecurity Expert Master's Program Master the Skills of a Cybersecurity ProfessionalVIEW COURSECybersecurity Expert Master's Program What is ISACA? ISACA stands for Information Systems Audit and Control Association. It develops controls and  guidance for information governance, security, control, and audit professionals. This international associat


What's new in ITIL V.4 ITIL 4 is the latest version of the ITIL framework and was released back in February 2019. It is highly value-centric, primarily focusing on bringing different stakeholders in an organization together to co-create value for the end-users. With the arrival of new frameworks like VeriSM, SIAM, and FitSM in the IT service management landscape, there was a need for the previous version of ITIL (ITIL v3) to become more refined in the way it approaches service management as an enabler for businesses. ITIL 4, the current version of ITIL takes the best parts of ITIL v3, enhances them, and creates a framework that focuses more on delivering tailor-made solutions for organizations. The previous versions of ITIL directed practitioners to implement ITIL by the book which led them to a complex web of practical solutions. Whereas ITIL 4, is more pragmatic in this approach. Instead of idealizing processes and encouraging the practitioners to impl


Is CISM Right for You? ISACA's Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) certification is for those with technical expertise and experience in IS/IT security and control and wants to make the move from team player to manager. CISM can add credibility and confidence to your interactions with internal and external stakeholders, peers and regulators. ISACA's Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) certification brings credibility to your team and ensures alignment between the organization's information security program and its broader goals and objectives. CISM can validate your team's commitment to compliance, security and integrity and increase customer retention INFORMASI SYLLABUS DAN PENDAFTARAN HUBUNGI  PURNAMA ACADEMY - BANDUNG CALL/WHATSAPP : 0838-0838-0001


What's new in ITIL V.4 ITIL 4 is the latest version of the ITIL framework and was released back in February 2019. It is highly value-centric, primarily focusing on bringing different stakeholders in an organization together to co-create value for the end-users. With the arrival of new frameworks like VeriSM, SIAM, and FitSM in the IT service management landscape, there was a need for the previous version of ITIL (ITIL v3) to become more refined in the way it approaches service management as an enabler for businesses. ITIL 4, the current version of ITIL takes the best parts of ITIL v3, enhances them, and creates a framework that focuses more on delivering tailor-made solutions for organizations. The previous versions of ITIL directed practitioners to implement ITIL by the book which led them to a complex web of practical solutions. Whereas ITIL 4, is more pragmatic in this approach. Instead of idealizing processes and encouraging the practitioners to impl


What is COBIT? COBIT stands for Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology. It is a framework  created by the ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association). It was designed to be a  supportive tool for managers—and allows bridging the crucial gap between technical issues,  business risks, and control requirements. COBIT is a thoroughly recognized guideline that can be applied to any organization in any  industry. Overall, COBIT ensures quality, control, and reliability of information systems in an  organization, which is also the most important aspect of every modern business. Cybersecurity Expert Master's Program Master the Skills of a Cybersecurity ProfessionalVIEW COURSECybersecurity Expert Master's Program What is ISACA? ISACA stands for Information Systems Audit and Control Association. It develops controls and  guidance for information governance, security, control, and audit professionals. This international associat