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Syllabus Overview
Peserta dalam training ini akan mendapatkan pengetahuan terkait pembuatan aplikasi web menggunakan php framework laravel yang merupakan salah satu PHP framework terbaik dan termudah untuk dipelajari, peserta juga akan memahami berbagai macam kemudahan yang disediakan laravel dalam membangun aplikasi web yang cepat seperti penggunaan artisan, eloquent, pembuatan template dan juga blade, database yang akan diintegrasikan adalah mysql serta bantuan bootstrap sebagai framework dalam pengembangan web  interface yang cepat

Class Type : Training
Duration : 4 Days (09.00 – 17.00)
Venue / Price : Click 
Registration : Click 

Description :
Laravel adalah framework PHP yang dikembangkan pertama kali oleh Taylor Otwell. Walaupun termasuk pemain baru, namun komunitas pengguna laravel sudah berkembang pesat dan mampu menjadi alternatif utama dari sejumlah framework besar seperti CodeIgniter & Yii. Laravel oleh para developer disetarakan dengan CodeIgniter dan FuelPHP namun memiliki keunikan tersendiri dari sisi coding yang lebih ekspresif dan elegan.

Keunggulan Laravel daripada framework lain antara lain:
– Coding yang simple
– Tersedia generator yang canggih dan memudahkan, Artisan CLI
– Fitur Schema Builder untuk berbagai database,
– Fitur Migration & Seeding untuk berbagai database,
– Fitur Query Builder yang keren,

Topics include:
Building the Database with the Schema Builder Class
The Schema Builder class
Working with tables
Working with columns
Columns' methods reference
Other $table object methods
Updating tables and columns
Indexes and foreign keys
Database versioning with the migrations system
Creating migrations
Rolling back migrations

The Most Important Element – the Model!
Creating a Model
Create, read, update, and delete operations basics
Creating operations
Reading operations
Updating operations
Deleting operations
where, aggregates, and other utilities
where and orWhere
Magic wheres
Utility methods
Mass assignment... for the masses
Timestamps and soft deletes
Soft deleting
Query scopes
Attributes casting, accessors, and mutators
Attributes casting
Accessors and mutators
Descending in the code
A big file
Quick conversion to array or JSON
Imaginary attributes
Route model binding
Records chunking for memory optimization

Exploring the World of Relationships
The trinity – one to one, one to many, many to many
One to one
What exactly happened?
One to many
Many to many
Querying-related models
Accessing a pivot table
Querying a relationship
Eager loading (and the N +  problem)
Basic eager loading
Advanced eager loading
Lazy eager loading
Inserting and updating related models
The save() and associate() methods
What about many to many?
The sync() method
Accessing distant relationships
More power – polymorphic relationships
A simple polymorphic relationship
A many-to-many polymorphic relationship

Using Collections to Enhance Results
Basic collection operations
Transforming collections
Iterating and filtering

Everything under Control with Events and Observers
When should I use events in my models?
Model events
An example of model events
Events observers
An example of model observers

Eloquent… without Laravel!
Exploring the directory structure
Installing and configuring the database package
Installing the package
Configuring the package
Using the ORM
Using the Query and Schema Builder
The Query Builder
The Schema Builder

Extending Eloquent
Advanced Concepts
Extending the Model: Aweloquent!
The Aweloquent Model
Auto Hydrate
Model self-validation
Smart password hashing
The autopurge of confirmation fields
Extending the class
The Auto Hydrate feature
The Aweloquent Model self-validation feature – the basic version
The Aweloquent Model self-validation feature – the operation-based version
Smart password hashing and the confirmation fields autopurge method
Fixing the save() Model method
Diving into the repository pattern
Hello, repository pattern!
Introducing repositories – a concrete implementation
Coding on Abstractions
Repositories – a complete implementation
Adding the new repository
Participants :  (Web Developer, IT Staff, Public)

Speaker  : Purnama Academy Trainer

#laraveltraining  #phplaravel  #belajartutorial  #silabustraining #tempattraining  #pelatihan #jakarta  #bandung  #bali  #surabaya #makasar #jadwaltraining

Jl. Pelajar Pejuang 45 No.23
Hotline : 0838-0838-0001


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