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Hotline service : 0838-0838-0001 

Syllabus Overview
Melalui pelatihan software testing menggunakan panduan ISTQB, peserta diajarkan perihal hal hal mendasar terkait tahapan, metodology, tekhnik dan tool yang diperlukan saat melakukan fase software testing dalam SDLC, pemahaman test manajemen , Risk dan Incident Management juga akan diberikan dalam kegiatan training ini. Selain itu peserta juga akan diperkenalkan dengan ujian sertifikasi internasional CTFL ISTQB

Class Type : Training
Duration : 3 Day (09.00 – 16.00)
Venue  & Price : 
Registration : (Save up to 20% for Early Bird Registration !)

Description :
The International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) is a software testing qualification certification organisation that operates internationally.  Founded in Edinburgh in November 2002, ISTQB is a non-profit association legally registered in Belgium.

ISTQB Certified Tester is a standardized qualification for software testers and the certification is offered by the ISTQB. The qualifications are based on a syllabus, and there is a hierarchy of qualifications and guidelines for accreditation and examination.

Topics include:

1.            Fundamentals of Testing
1.1          Why is Testing Necessary
1.2          What is Testing?
1.3          Seven Testing Principles
1.4          Fundamental Test Process
1.5          The Psychology of Testing
1.6          Code of Ethics
2.            Testing Throughout the Software Life Cycle
2.1          Software Development Models
2.2          Test Levels
2.3          Test Types
2.4          Maintenance Testing
3.            Static Techniques
3.1          Static Techniques and the Test Process
3.2          Review Process
3.3          Static Analysis by Tools
4.            Test Design Techniques
4.1          The Test Development Process
4.2          Categories of Test Design Techniques
4.3          Specification-based or Black-box Techniques
4.4          Structure-based or White-box Techniques
4.5          Experience-based Techniques
4.6          Choosing Test Techniques
5.            Test Management
5.1          Test Organization
5.2          Test Planning and Estimation
5.3          Test Progress Monitoring and Control
5.4          Configuration Management
5.5          Risk and Testing
5.6          Incident Management
6.            Tool Support for Testing
6.1          Types of Test Tools
6.2          Effective Use of Tools:  Potential Benefits and Risks
6.3          Introducing a Tool into an Organization

Participants :  (IT SQA, Software Tester, System Applications Developer, System Analyst )

Speaker  : Purnama Academy Trainer

#softwaretester  #ISTQBtraining  #trainingsoftwaretesting #silabus #jadwalpelatihan #jakarta  #bandung  #bali 

Jl. Pealajar Pejuang 45 No.23 Bandung
Hotline : 0838-0838-0001
Website :


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