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Trainer Apache Spark, Trainer Hadoop Spark di Jakarta Bali, Bandung

Training Apache Spark Bersama peserta dari Telkomsel Jakarta (2018) di Multimatics yang merupakan salah satu IT training terkemuka di Indonesia. Terima kasih atas undangan dan peran serta nya.

Materi yang diajarkan pada training apache Spark diantaranya : Mengenal Hadoop ecosystem, Instalasi Hadoop, Instalasi Apache Spark, pyspark, basic python, Mengenal Core Component Apache Spark, RDD, Pair RDD Transformation, Action , Dataframe vs Dataset, flatmap vs map, advanced topic Accumulators, Spark Sql , spark streaming, mengenal  machine learning concept dan MLLib , mengenal graphx , materi dikemas dengan studi kasus dan bobot praktek hingga 75 persen

Hery Purnama 081-223344506, certified inhouse trainer for training cobit, cisa, itil, pmbok, babok, SAD, software testing ISTQB, Data Management DMBOk, Business Analysis BABOK, Project management, IoT, BigData Hadoop, Spark Developer, UML, ITSM, Iso 20000, 27000, 27001, 38500, CMMI, CAPM, PMP, MS.Project, cisa, Primavera, Excel Vba Macro, Python, indeks KAMI, pyspark, data science programming, erlang programming, java, android studio, phonegap, ​angular, sencha extjs, ionic, emberjs, nodejs, jquery mobile, php yii, codeigniter, instruktur zend, ctfl, laravel framework, ms.acces database, oracle, pengajar mysql dba, sql server, ssrs, ssis, performance tunning, backup recovery, postgresql, postgis, arcview, arcgis, qgis, trainer magento ecommerce, prestashop, drupal, catia 3d, autocad 3d, google sketchup, IT project, IT audit, ms.powerpoint, risk management, cmswordpress advanced, excel advanced, powerpivot, excel dashborad, powerview, powerquery, business intelegance, DEVOPS, jenkins, docker, vagrant, ansible trainer, keibernetes, php mysql, ajax jquery, json, restfull, xml, soap, enterprise architect, EDMS trainer, TOGAf, six sigma, cordova, trainer, pengajar komputer, inhouse training, guru, jakarta, bandung, surabaya, palembang, semarang, yogya, batam, purnamaacademy,, profile hery purnama, certified trainer, terkenal, pengajar bagus, no kontak trainer Hery 081223344505, pengajar perusahaan.


Hery Purnama
Apache Hadoop Trainer
Big Data Trainer
Data Science Analytics
Apache Spark Trainer

Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya
For inquiry : 081-223344-506


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