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Best Private Computer Courses in Jakarta Indonesia - PRIKOM

PRIKOM Jakarta 0812-8733-1966 ( - Private Computer Courses Services Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Internet, Corel, Photoshop, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Access for beginners or advanced levels, privately held online for the Jakarta and surrounding areas, 1 session with a duration of 2 hours (IDR 250 Rb) can be booked per meeting with the following facilities and advantages: Experienced trainers, certificates, flexible time where the earliest start at 08.00 and the most evening start at 20.00 is perfect for workers, students, housewives or entrepreneurs who want to deepen computer science directly from the experts, if you are in Jakarta please access or contact the PRIKOM team on WhatsApp 0812-8733-1966.

PRIKOM is a pioneer of Private Computer Courses which has been established since 1997 in Bandung, with decades of experience we are experienced enough to provide private and quality courses with highly competent teachers / trainers from practitioners or professionals. The online private method is a form of adaptation to a new habit of NEW NORMAL in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic which prioritizes Health Protocols and 3M messages from mothers (Using Masks, Avoiding Crowds, Maintaining Distances), although online methods seem new to the community and some other course places, PRIKOM itself this online method has been carried out since the last 3 years due to the large number of requests from people outside the city of Bandung who are interested in taking private / private courses at our place or also because of the limited time to come to the PRIKOM office, in other words the private method of online computer courses is no longer a something new for our private teaching team and computer courses, so you will still be comfortable being guided by the PRIKOM teaching team.

To find out more about the material given or to register for private and computer courses in Jakarta, please contact the PRIKOM sales team on WhatsApp 0812.8733.1966 or access

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