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Freelance Trainer Moodle

Hery Purnama 081223344506 is Freelanca Trainer for Moodle Training.
The Syllabus :

Moodle 3.x  Open-Source Learning Management

What you'll learn
• You will learn how to create simple and interactive learning elements of a distance course in the free Moodle system and implement it in your educational activities.
• The course is intended for a wide range of audiences and does not require special skills. All you need is to be a confident user of a personal computer, as well as to possess initial theoretical knowledge in the field of distance course design.

• Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalised learning environments
• In the course of studying this course, you will learn how to design and develop a distance learning course in the free Moodle distance learning system.
• The course consists of several sections. In the first section, we will learn about Moodle interfaces, learn how to create a course and learn the main system resources - a file, a folder, a hyperlink, etc. The second section introduces the lecture training element and the main techniques for creating it: adding a web page, tests, clusters. The third section is devoted to the study of the mechanism of adding tests. In addition, in this section we familiarize ourselves with the "task" and "seminar" training elements. The fourth section continues acquaintance with other educational elements of Moodle - forum, chat, glossary and several others. The fifth, final section is devoted to the administration of Moodle. It covers issues related to user registration, backup, ftp, etc.

Who this course is for:
• The course is suitable for innovative teachers who would like to introduce distance technologies in their educational activities, managers of internal corporate training, students who have chosen the topic of distance learning.

Course content :
Moodle System Overview
How to start working for free with Moodle

First steps in Moodle
Adding Moodle Resources
Navigation in Moodle  
Creating a category and course in Moodle  
Adding hyperlinks to Moodle  
Resource and Section Management in Moodle  
How to add a web page in Moodle  
Work with Html-editor in Moodle Insert media 
How to add a file and folder in Moodle  
About the resource "Book" in Moodle  
The "explanation" in the course Moodle  

How to add the element "Lecture" in Moodle
General installation lecture Moodle  
Adding a page to a Moodle  lecture 
How to add test items to the Moodle  lecturePart 
Clusters in Moodle  

Adding tests and assignments in Moodle
General test settings in Moodle  
Tests like "True-Wrong in Moodle  
Multiple choice test items in Moodle  
Test items of the "Compliance" and "Sequence" types in Moodle 
Test tasks like "Short answer" in Moodle  
Test tasks like "Essay" in Moodle
Test tasks like "Attached answers" in Moodle
Test tasks "Choice of missing words" and "Dragging to text" 
Test task "Drag to the image" 
DescriptionQuestion management in Moodle  test
How to create random (thematic) tests in Moodle  
Moodle Quest  
How to work with activit "Seminar" in Moodle  

Other learning elements in Moodle
Glossary in Moodle  
Moodle  Database 
Wiki in Moodle  
Forum and chat in Moodle  
How to add IMS Content Package and SCORM in Moodle  
Profiles and polls in Moodle  
Administration System Moodle 
Moodle  default course settings 
Assigning Roles in Moodle  
Features of registration in the Moodle  system 
Bulk user upload + group posting (Moodle ) 
How to work on ftp in Moodle  version 
Moodle Backup  
Notifications in Moodle  
Activation and resource settings in Moodle  by default 
Bulk loading of courses (moodle .) 
Cloud technology and Moodle
Moodle and Google Drive 
Literature about Moodle
ELearning tools in your professional activities

Instructore  : 
Mr. Hery Purnama



Certified IT Trainer

 Call/ SMS/WA :  081.223344.506 , BBM : 7DC633AA
 Social Net : 

Hometown : Bandung - Jawa Barat

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