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Legenda Crystal Skulls , benarkah adanya ?

Crystal Skulls


Most people are familiar with crystal skulls from the film Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. However there are actually many serious crystal skull collectors that claim they are pre-Columbian and were made during the Aztec or Maya civilizations and exhibit paranormal phenomena. In 2008 a team of British and American researchers using electron microscopy and X-ray crystallography examined skulls from the British Museum and Smithsonian. A detailed analysis of the skull’s surface revealed minute rotary scratch marks around the eye sockets, teeth and cranium. This was clear evidence that the skull was cut and polished with a wheeled instrument – and the Aztecs never used the wheel. The researchers concluded that the skulls were cut from a piece of Brazilian rock crystal in Europe. They were then probably sold to collectors as a relic from the ancient Aztec civilization. Many museums now have removed the skulls from display because of their questionable origins.
Interesting Fact: For the hardcore crystal skull fans out there I should mention the Mitchell-Hedges Skull which is probably the most famous skull of all. It was allegedly discovered in 1924 by the adopted daughter of British adventurer author F.A. Mitchell-Hedges. Hedges claimed that the crystal skull dates back at least 3,600 years. Detailed examination like the experiments mentioned above have never been done on this skull because the present owner of the skull will not allow testing.


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